If you have been thinking of getting more involved in the Radical Caucus, we have a golden opportunity: We need a Secretary!
Kim Ruff has been serving as our secretary for a few months, but as her campaign for PRESIDENT (!!) heats up, she needs to focus on it, so she has stepped aside for someone who can concentrate on the job.
Our next meeting is scheduled for next Sunday, March 17, beginning at 8:00 pm Eastern. At that time, the Board will be considering volunteers to serve as the Secretary.
[Other offices may also be considered also, as all officer appointments are at-will and a motion to assign a new officer can be made in any Board meeting.]
Here is the full meeting announcement.
All officer positions were fully intended to rotate frequently among LPRC membership. The LPRC Bylaws were written that way on purpose. In the LPRC, the Board is the entity that makes decisions, as opposed to any one officer.
Here is what our Bylaws say about officers, with the subsection about the chair's position:
C. Board Officers
The Board may appoint Officers, such as a Board Chairman and others, as needed. Examples of other positions may include Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers shall serve at the pleasure of the board and may be replaced at any time. There shall be no set term. New appointments to officer positions including chair may be made at any Board meeting by a simple majority vote.
Being appointed to a Board Officer position does not confer voting rights. Unless a Board Officer is also a Director, the Officer does not have a vote.
3. Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall take and distribute minutes of all Board meetings and of all LPRC general meetings at which official Party business is conducted. The Secretary shall be responsible for official LPRC correspondence as is required. The Secretary shall maintain a register of LPRC non-voting, Annual, and Permanent members and shall be responsible (in coordination with the Treasurer) for insuring the accuracy and completeness of all LPRC membership and mailing lists. If the Chairman and Vice Chairman are not present at a meeting, the Secretary shall perform the duties of Chairman In addition, the Secretary shall carry out such other duties as may be requested by the Board.
A Secretary's primary goal should be to ensure that the Party's records have their i's dotted and their t's crossed. Think you can help with those functions?
Want a nice title to impress your friends?
Then consider volunteering to become the Secretary of the LP Radical Caucus.
Attend the meeting on March 17, 2019. Hope to see YOU there!
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Written March 2019 for use by the LP Radical Caucus. According to current law, the copyright holder is automatically author Marc Montoni. Radicals want copyright abolished. Ergo, this work is hereby released to the public domain, so, no -- you can't republish it then claim copyright on it, beefcake.