LPRC Bylaws

Radical Caucus Bylaws

as revised at the Annual LPRC Membership Meeting June 25, 2023

This document is also available in a format suitable for printing at: LPRC_Bylaws_2023.pdf


A. Name: The name of this organization shall be the Libertarian Party Radical Caucus (LPRC).

B. Affiliation: The LPRC exists as an independent committee in support of the U.S. Libertarian Party (LP) and LP members and candidates.


A. Principles: The LPRC endorses the Libertarian Party's Statement of Principles and the Non-Aggression Principle. To illustrate our understanding of libertarian principles, the LPRC shall annually issue a Caucus Platform for the use of our endorsed candidates and volunteers.

B. Purpose: To celebrate and promote the Radical tradition of American Libertarian thought, to help Libertarians mature as critical thinkers when faced with doubts about the Radical Libertarian agenda, and to equip them for their efforts to reintroduce and promote radicalism within the Libertarian Party and among the general public.

C. Vision: We seek a world set free in our lifetimes; no more, no less. Radical Libertarians seek advancing liberty and a shrinking government; we seek a growing, successful Libertarian Party that is capable of winning over the hearts and minds of millions of people to the principles of liberty and justice.

D. Values: The LPRC will not shy away from speaking from the root of libertarian thought. We believe it is futile to make Libertarian ideas "non-threatening" in order to placate the enemies of liberty.  Our ideas are going to be scary to many who have considered neither their proven history nor their logical sense. Abolishing slavery was a scary thought to many in the 1800's; and the abolition of other unjust government policies now is no different. We will always seek to treat individuals as intelligent, competent individuals, and thus we will not fear presenting them with "scary" libertarian ideas. Some may take years to adopt these ideas; many will never adopt them, but their children might. Only by treating individuals as intelligent adults will libertarianism ever succeed over the long term. While the LPRC commits to speaking for a bold, consistent, and radical libertarian agenda, we make an effort to see moderate Libertarians as our allies, not enemies. We will NOT waste time and energy and goodwill attacking them. We will fight beside them for as far as they are willing to go and be glad for the help.

E. Mission: The LPRC seeks to support the re-radicalization of the U.S. Libertarian Party (LP); and further to promote a clear, radical vision of libertarianism through education and electoral advocacy both within the LP and outside of it.

F. Key Points: The LPRC shall conduct its affairs in accordance with these Key Points.

The Radical Caucus believes these four points are key strategic principles in furthering the work of the Libertarian Party toward, as our platform describes it, "a world set free in our lifetime."

1. Natural Rights Are Utilitarian – The central commitment of the Libertarian Party should be to individual liberty. Our goal should be to illustrate convincingly that there is no essential separation between natural rights and utilitarianism – that is, the morally correct choice yields the most benefit for the greatest number of people.

2. Radical Abolitionism – As the word radical means "going to the root" of something, radical Libertarians should not merely propose small changes to the status quo and debate the fine points of government policy with the opponents of freedom. Instead, Libertarians must always make clear that the outright removal of the injustice and interference of the State is our ultimate goal. Speaking from our basic principles avoids the quagmire of self-imposed, obligatory gradualism. Rather than offering compromise, we should demand what we really seek, a free society, and let our opponents offer the compromises.

3. Principled Populism – The Libertarian Party should be a mass participation party operating in the electoral arena and elsewhere, devoted to consistent libertarian principles, and committed to liberty and justice for all. The Libertarian Party should trust in and rely on individuals to welcome a program of liberty and justice and should always aim to convince people of the soundness of libertarian principles. Simply repeating our basic principles and not proposing transition measures is ineffective in the short run because only a small part of the populace is interested in liberty in the abstract, and hiding or abandoning our principled positions is ineffective in the long run because it fails to sustain us as a movement and attract and retain new Libertarians.

4. No Particular Order – The removal of one harmful government policy should never be dependent upon first removal of another, as this throws self-imposed barriers in the path of liberty and removes potential pressures for change. For example, saying that borders may be opened only after welfare is eliminated is unacceptable; the proper position is to push for both changes. Should we succeed in achieving open borders first, only to find that welfare burdens are increased, this should be used as an additional argument to abolish welfare.

G. Summary

The LP Radical Caucus believes:

1. The Libertarian Party should support individual liberty because it's the right thing to do, and because it's the best way to benefit the greatest number of people. The Libertarian Party is the only political party that traditionally advocates for real freedom from government interference. We should emphasize this revolutionary approach rather than watering it down with uninspiring language that is, in effect, an implied endorsement of the status quo.

2. Our language should inspire by reflecting our goals, not the compromises we may have to accept on the way to gaining them. The Libertarian Party should be active in all areas of the political sphere with the expectation that individuals who hear and understand our message of freedom and the steps we can take today to increase liberty will choose to join enthusiastically in our journey.

3. The Libertarian Party should always steadfastly oppose all policies that extend government power, regardless of any promise that supporting one bad policy will ensure that another is abolished.


A. A Member of the LPRC (LPRC Member) is anyone who meets the following requirements:

1. Pays annual dues of at least $25;

2. Has certified to the LPRC

a. that they oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals (which, at the time of adopting this section, is the requirement for being considered a member of the national Libertarian Party);

b. that they are registered to vote as a Libertarian in their home state if such registration is available and they are eligible;

c. that they are not registered in any other party; and

d. that they are in agreement with the Goals and Ideology of the LPRC.

e. During official meetings, any Member may challenge any other Member's compliance with all of the requirements of LPRC Membership. A challenge may be answered with verification of LPRC Membership status by the Secretary.

f. To vest voting privileges in any Member, the member must have completed payment of their annual dues or made qualified in-kind volunteer arrangements at least 90 days prior to the call to order of the Annual LPRC Membership Meeting. Donors paying via monthly pledge must have accumulated at least $25 in dues within the full year prior to the same deadline.

LPRC Membership expires one year from the last qualifying payment.

[Parenthetical Note: The membership changes to this document made on June 25, 2023 which eliminated any existing non-voting memberships were designed to take effect on December 31, 2023 so as to allow non-voting members existing prior to these changes to be solicited for conversion to membership under the new definition.]

B. Nondiscrimination

The LPRC invites all individuals who agree with our stated goals to join us. The LPRC does not discriminate based on age, income, ethnic origin, sex, marital status, spiritual belief, or gender identity.

C. Resignation

1. As a voluntary organization, the LPRC recognizes the right of all members to remove themselves from the LPRC Membership by publicly tendering their resignation to the LPRC Board. Any member who resigns in this manner may rejoin at the discretion of the LPRC Board and upon written request of the former member.

2. The LPRC shall automatically presume a Member who self-represents as a member of a political party other than the LP, casts a vote in the internal affairs or elections of another party, or publicly endorses the candidate(s) of another party (or any candidate running against a duly nominated Libertarian candidate), or openly and substantially repudiates the goals and ideology of the LPRC, has by their actions effectively resigned as a member of the LPRC as of the date of such representation or endorsement.

3. The LPRC shall automatically presume a Member who self-represents as a member of an LP caucus that stands in opposition to the goals of the LPRC has by their actions effectively resigned as a member of the LPRC as of the date of such representation or endorsement.

4. The LPRC Board shall preserve any evidence of such representation by inserting a copy in the Minutes of the next LPRC Board meeting. Removal from LPRC Membership will be decided by a 2/3 majority of the LPRC Board present at a meeting with 2 weeks previous notice.

5. Any Member who resigns in this manner may rejoin the LPRC by paying LPRC dues and issuing a public statement formally withdrawing support of the other caucus, political party, and/or candidate, or indicating re-affirmation of the Caucus key principles.
6. For a person who has resigned and rejoined in this manner, LPRC Membership shall be non-voting for the first 90 days after rejoining. 

D. Expulsion

1. Any Member of the LPRC may be expelled from the LPRC for cause during any LPRC Board meeting. The Member must be notified in writing at least seven days in advance of a meeting that such a motion will be presented. The Member may address the LPRC Board in their defense for a period not to exceed 15 minutes. The Member is expelled by a 2/3 vote of all present LPRC Board members.

2. "Expulsion for Cause" has no effect on and does not override the "C. Resignation" section. 

E. Voting Rights of Members

Members as defined in Section III(A)(1) shall vote on matters brought before the members at a Membership Meeting, as defined in Section VII(A). Non-members are eligible to serve on committees and otherwise volunteer for caucus positions other than voting positions.


A. General Objectives: The LPRC Board shall have oversight of the LPRC. The work of the LPRC Board includes:

1. Using at least 75% of its unencumbered funds towards supporting Radical Libertarian candidates. Remaining funds shall be used for the biennial booth at the LP National Convention, and subsequently other activities as prioritized by the LPRC Board;

2. Increasing membership in the local, state, and national LPRC committees, as well as the Libertarian Party itself;

3. Promoting the need for the LP to maintain a consistent, radical agenda;

4. Encouraging all members to remain registered or qualified to be registered to vote;

5. Generally, endorsing (and supporting) radical Libertarian candidates for office;

6. Encouraging all voters to vote for LP and LPRC endorsed candidates;

7. Promoting the inclusion of radical libertarian ideas via the LP Platform Committee as well as on the National Convention floor;

8. Promoting the participation of Libertarians at local government meetings;

9. Organizing state radical Libertarian committees to encourage active participation and support for radical Libertarian candidates in all elections;

10. Supporting the training of Libertarian candidates and activists who wish to be effective at promoting radical, clear, consistent, and bold LP policy proposals;

11. Issuing formal statements of the LPRC on current issues as they may be timely and desirable;

12. Promoting the issuance of bold policy statements by LP affiliates at all levels;

13. Ensuring the distribution of LPRC literature during federal, state, and local LP events;

14. Helping endorsed radical candidates connect with nearby LPRC members to help with staffing of polling places on election days as well as for other election support;

15. Working toward eventually creating and maintaining a permanent office somewhere within the United States;

16. Cooperating with the LP and other allied Libertarian committees or student organizations on mutual projects, social events, and regional candidates;

17. Establishing relations with allied groups that take an acceptably radical position on their own agenda;

18. Establishing action committees, such as an LPRC Platform Committee, a Candidate Committee, an Outreach Committee, a Media Committee, and others, to promote the goals of the LPRC and to consider and recommend actions for ultimate adoption by the LPRC Board.

B. LPRC Board Composition

1. Only Members of the LPRC as described in Section III(A) are eligible for positions on the LPRC Board of Directors (“LPRC Board”).

2. Voting Directors on the LPRC Board are:

a. Two (2) Directors shall be elected "At Large" by the Members at the biennial Convention Annual LPRC Membership Meeting (defined elsewhere in this document), and the other two (2) Directors shall be elected “At Large” by the Members at the Annual LPRC Membership Meeting in non-convention years. If the post of At-Large Director becomes vacant, it may be filled by a 2/3rds vote of the LPRC Board for the remainder of the term. At-Large Directorships last for two years unless removed as specified in these Bylaws.

b. The coordinators of the LPRC State Committees (defined elsewhere in this document).

C. LPRC Board Officers

Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected to a term of two years by the Members at the odd-numbered year (non National Convention year) LPRC Membership Meeting. Chair and Vice-Chair shall be voting positions on the LPRC Board. The Chair, Vice-Chair, State Coordinator, or At Large LPRC Board positions may be removed by a 2/3 majority of the LPRC Board, excepting the member being voted upon.

Secretary and Treasurer shall be volunteer positions appointed by the LPRC Board from eligible LPRC Membership, and shall hold voting privileges on the LPRC Board.

1. Duties of the Chair

The Chair's duties shall include, but not be limited to: acting as primary spokesperson for the LPRC; chairing meetings of the LPRC Board; and appointing, with the consent of the LPRC Board, all coordinators of standing and ad-hoc committees. The Chair shall also perform such other duties as may be requested by the LPRC Board.

2. Duties of the Vice Chair

The Vice Chair shall substitute for the Chair at any function for which the Chair is absent. Should the office of Chair become vacant for any reason, the Vice Chair shall become the interim Chair, until the next LPRC Board meeting when the LPRC Board shall appoint a permanent Chair. The Vice Chair shall also carry out such other duties as may be requested by the LPRC Board.

3. Duties of the Secretary

The Secretary shall take and distribute minutes of all LPRC Board meetings and of all LPRC Membership Meetings at which official Party business is conducted. The Secretary shall be responsible for official LPRC correspondence as is required. The Secretary shall maintain a register of LPRC Members and shall be responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of all LPRC Membership and mailing lists. If the Chair and Vice Chair are not present at a meeting, the Secretary shall perform the duties of Chair. In addition, the Secretary shall carry out such other duties as may be requested by the LPRC Board.

4. Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasurer of the LPRC shall:

a. Establish and maintain all LPRC bank accounts.

b. Manage all LPRC investments.

c. Collect and disburse LPRC funds at the direction of the LPRC Board.

d. Keep records and receipts as needed, for all such transactions.

e. Establish a TIN and prepare and file any LPRC financial reports required under local, state, or federal law.

f. Prepare and distribute a written financial report at the first scheduled and announced meeting of the calendar year.

g. Perform such other duties of a fiduciary nature as may be requested by the LPRC Board.

5. Expenses and Obligations: Each LPRC Board member shall have the power to expend or obligate the LPRC up to $100 for LPRC business annually without the prior approval of the LPRC Board, provided that the funds are available and unencumbered, a report of any such expenditure or obligation is made at the next LPRC Board meeting, and which is agreed to by at least one other Officer.

D. Meeting Times

1. General Meetings

The LPRC Board shall meet quarterly at a minimum.

2. Special Meetings

Special meetings of the LPRC Board may be called upon the written request of three (3) or more Directors or upon verbal agreement of three (3) or more Directors at a duly called meeting. Notice of special meetings shall be sent to all LPRC members by any appropriate and effective means no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting date. Notice shall include the date, time, place, and purpose of the meeting.

E. Electronic Voting

1. The Board may also transact business online by voting on motions considered by the Chair, or three Board members, to be an emergency requiring urgent action. Discussion and voting shall take place on an email discussion list or other online facility that is available to all Board members and is capable of supporting the requirements of this section.

2. The voting period for a motion shall end when 72 hours have passed since proposal of the original motion. The voting period may end earlier if there is any motion (in the motion group – see d. below) on which all Board members have cast votes (including explicit abstentions).

3. A quorum of the voting members of the Board must each cast a vote (or explicitly abstain) for a motion to be eligible for adoption. In order to be adopted, a motion must also receive the approval of a majority of those voting (not counting abstentions), or such higher requirement as may be required for approval of that type of motion.

4. It is envisioned that a motion made for electronic consideration will be simple and straightforward. However, in the event the Chair or three other members of the Board prefer voting on alternate language, other motions may be proposed, as alternatives for a motion already under consideration. An original motion and all of its alternatives (if any) shall constitute a motion group.

5. Each Board member may vote on each motion in a group. Members may change their votes, including withdrawing them entirely, at any time before the end of the voting period.

6. If, at the end of the voting period, more than one motion in a group has sufficient “yes” votes to pass, the one with the highest number of “yes” votes shall be considered adopted. In case of a tie for highest number of “yes” votes, the one most recently proposed shall be considered adopted.

7. Since an action taken in the manner described herein is not taken in a Board meeting, all LPRC Members do not have access to listen to the discussion of such action, and the normal transparency of Board decisions to Members is compromised. To address transparency concerns, any such actions taken will be announced to the membership within 48 hours of the decision being finalized.

F. Resignations

1. Automatic Resignations from the LPRC Board

a. All LPRC Board Members must maintain current LPRC Membership per the provisions in Section III(A). An LPRC Board Member who allows their LPRC Membership to lapse or who is formally expelled from the LPRC is automatically ineligible to serve on the LPRC Board.

b. Members feeling that they have justifiable cause to miss a meeting of the LPRC Board shall notify the LPRC Board, which shall determine whether to accept such a cause at the next scheduled meeting.

2. Normal Resignation from the LPRC Board

Any member of the LPRC Board may tender his resignation from the LPRC Board by written notification. A notice of the vacancy will be published in subsequent LPRC Board agendas until the vacancy is filled.


A. Meeting Notice

The LPRC Board shall issue meeting notices via electronic mail. Meetings of the LPRC Board shall be open to all members of the LPRC, and shall be held online via video or phone conference.

B. Quorum

A quorum of the LPRC Board shall be forty percent (40%) of its members.

C. Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the LPRC Board shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 

1. Budget

2. Endorsement or withdrawal of endorsement of candidates  

3. Authorization of financial support for candidates endorsed by the LPRC Board 

4. Create and dissolve committees  

5. Selection or confirmation of LPRC State Committee Coordinators

6. Organize Annual LPRC Membership Meeting

D. Committees

1. Committees guide the overall direction of tasks set upon them by the LPRC Board. The committee is granted decision-making powers by the LPRC Board only for specific purposes related to narrowly defined LPRC activities.

2. There are two types of Committees: Standing and Ad-Hoc. The Platform Committee and the Bylaws Committee are standing committees. Additional standing committees may be specified in the LPRC Policy Manual.

3. Committee meetings are called by the Committee's chair. Any LPRC member may attend any Committee meeting; however, only Committee members may vote on items set before the Committee.

E. Ethics

Members of the LPRC Board must recuse themselves from voting on issues where they have a financial interest or professional conflict of interest.


A. Definition

An LPRC State Committee (SC) is formed when one or more LPRC members reside within a state.

B. Membership

All current LPRC Members shall be considered Members of their state's SC.

C. Organization

1. The LPRC Board may select an SC Coordinator for each state where at least one LPRC Member resides. A motion to remove an SC Coordinator is in order at any LPRC Board meeting; and shall pass with a simple majority. An SC Coordinator may not vote on the matter of his removal by the LPRC Board. The removal of an SC Coordinator will trigger a new Coordinator appointment by the LPRC Board.

2. LPRC SC Coordinators should make every effort in their own home state to:

a. Promote radical libertarianism;

b. Promote a radical vision for the Libertarian Party;

c. Recruit additional members to the LPRC; and,

d. Recommend the formal endorsement by the LPRC Board of suitable candidates (for internal LP positions as well as for public office) in their state.


The LPRC shall hold LPRC Membership Meetings as provided for in these Bylaws.

A. Annual LPRC Membership Meetings

The LPRC Membership shall meet (1) in Conjunction with the Convention of the National Libertarian Party ("Convention Annual LPRC Membership Meeting") at said Convention; and (2) on a date corresponding to every anniversary of said Convention in years where no such Convention is held, or as near to such date as is practicable, which date shall be determined by a vote of the LPRC Board ("Non-Convention Annual LPRC Membership Meeting"). Non-Convention Annual LPRC Membership Meetings will be conducted electronically in the same manner as is the standing practice of the LPRC Board in conducting their General Meetings. For Annual LPRC Membership Meetings, all Members shall be notified electronically at least 100 days in advance of the meeting via email or online group calendar, Facebook, etc.

B. Agenda

1. Election of Members At Large and Officers of the LPRC Board to replace those whose terms are ended

2. Committee and officer reports

3. Consideration of Bylaws and Platform committee reports

4. Other business, including issuing formal statements of the LPRC Membership

C. Other LPRC Membership Meetings

Additional LPRC Membership Meetings may be held electronically with 45-days notice to Members when authorized by 2/3 of the LPRC Board.

D. Voting

1. The LPRC Board shall determine appropriate guidelines for paper and electronic voting before such methods may be used.

2. Members must recuse themselves from voting on issues where they have a financial interest or professional conflict of interest.


The LPRC shall be empowered to nominate, support, endorse, contribute to, or otherwise assist LP candidates for public office, as well as candidates for internal Libertarian Party offices. These powers shall be defined as follows:

A. Nomination of Candidate

Endorsement nominations for Libertarian candidates may only be made by an LPRC Member. Whether to endorse any nominee shall be decided by majority vote of the LPRC Board.

B. Removal of Support to Candidate

The LPRC Board may by majority vote remove the LPRC's endorsement of any candidate seeking an office. The LPRC Board should summarize the reasons for the decision to remove an endorsement in the meeting minutes.

C. Cross-endorsement or "fusion" candidates

Endorsements of candidates of other political parties (or caucuses with goals or values in conflict with those of the LPRC) are not permitted under any circumstances.


A. All LPRC Members are entitled to attend and observe all LPRC Board and Committee meetings.

B. LPRC Members have a right to examine how LPRC Board and subcommittee members carry out their duties. Votes during all LPRC committee and subcommittee meetings will be published by LPRC Board position and name. There shall be no secret votes by the LPRC Board on any substantive matter.

C. All meeting minutes and votes must be available for Member review by newsletter distribution and/or web access within fourteen (14) days of a meeting.

D. Where possible, LPRC meetings will be recorded and available online for Member access (with a login and password).

E. Individuals who are not LPRC Members may attend and observe LPRC Board and LPRC Membership Meetings with the unanimous consent of the body.


A. General Provisions

Amendments to these Bylaws may be made using either of the following processes:

1. By unanimous consent of the Directors in attendance, over two consecutive LPRC Board meetings, with a reading each time;

2. By 3/4 majority vote at an LPRC Membership Meeting, after a full reading.

B. Notice

Proposed changes must be published 30 days before the meeting at which they will be considered.

C. Non-Substantive Changes to Bylaws

Any typographical, spelling, or grammatical errors may be fixed, or stylistic changes made, without need for formal adoption of amendment.


A. General Provisions

1. The Caucus Platform shall include, but not be limited to, the Libertarian Party's Statement of Principles and the implementation of those principles in the form of planks. 

2. The current Caucus platform shall serve as the basis of all future platforms.

3. The Platform Committee shall be deemed a Standing Committee as set forth previously.

B. Amendments to Caucus Platform

No later than 30 days after the close of the Annual LPRC Membership Meeting, the LPRC Board shall appoint a Platform Committee of up to five members of the LPRC, which shall include two LPRC Board members, unless no LPRC Board members are willing to serve. Said committee may consist of any Member in good standing, whether Voting or non-voting, as approved by a vote of the LPRC Board. Said Committee shall issue a report at least 45 days prior to an LPRC Membership Meeting as defined earlier, during which time the proposed Platform amendments set forth in such report will be considered. Any amendment or deletion requires 3/4 vote of all eligible Members in attendance.

C. Notice

Notice must be given at least 30 days prior to the date on which such Platform amendments are to be considered.


A. General Provisions

The Bylaws Committee shall be deemed a Standing Committee as set forth previously.

B. Amendments to Bylaws

No later than 30 days after the close of the Annual LPRC Membership Meeting the LPRC Board shall appoint a Bylaws Committee of up to five members of the LPRC, which shall include two LPRC Board members, unless no LPRC Board members are willing to serve. Such committee may consist of any Member in good standing, whether Voting or non-voting, as approved by a vote of the LPRC Board. Said Committee shall issue a report at least 45 days prior to an LPRC Membership Meeting as defined earlier, during such time the proposed Bylaws amendments set forth in such report will be considered. Any amendment or deletion requires 3/4 vote of all eligible Members in attendance.

C. Notice

Notice shall be given at least 30 days prior to the date on which such Bylaws amendments are to be considered.


Policies approved by the Board which are not included in these Bylaws will be documented and maintained in an LPRC Policy Manual.

Policies in said document are created by a simple majority of the Board and can be amended, removed, or superseded by a simple majority of the Board. A policy residing in the Policy Manual may be also be amended, removed, or superseded by a 2/3 vote of the Members at a membership meeting.


The business proceedings of the LPRC shall be governed by the rules in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order or policies the organization may adopt.


This organization shall be considered to have ceased to exist or dissolved if no LPRC Board meeting has been held for 18 consecutive months; or if no LPRC Membership Meeting is held for at least four years. Upon disbandment, any funds left in the Treasury shall be turned over to the Libertarian Party.