


Things to print out on a printer and maybe run through a photocopier.

Be Radical With Us Flyer (Color)
Be Radical With Us Flyer (B&W; pending)
Revised version includes excepts of our 2019 platform and links to join.

Anarchization Script (Color)
Anarchization Script (B&W)
Why are there so many anarchists in the LP? An answer in the form of a heavily commented Python script on fake tractor-feed paper. MUST PRINT ON LEGAL (8.5 BY 14 INCH) PAPER.



6' × 2' Table Banner
Six foot wide banner for fronts of tables. Probably not something to try with your inkjet at home. Suggested vendor list pending. Office Depot may work in a pinch.

3' × 3' Square Banner
Three foot square banner. Suggested vendor list pending. Office Depot may work in a pinch.

6' × 6' Square Backdrop
Six foot square banner/backdrop for the wall behind your table, maybe in a photo barkdrop frlame or similar. Probably not something to try with your inkjet at home. Suggested vendor list pending. Office Depot may work in a pinch.



Do you have 25mm, 1 inch, 2¼ inch, 2⅜ inch, or Badge-A-Minit "2¼ inch" buttonmaking equipment and supplies? Letter-sized sheets are right here.

All sheets except for the color group need the right color paper, however. It needs to be a good match for Pantone 109C, and unfortunately only one known sufficiently close paper is available: Neenah Astrobrights Sunburst Yellow. It can be ordered from Amazon HERE.

With the right paper, anything but the color group can be accurately printed using even a cheap black-only laser printer.

For buttonmaking equipment recommendations (and things you probably want avoid) see HERE.

2¼ and 2⅜ inch
Main Group
These are the buttons believed to be in the biggest demand, including Abolish All the Things and The State SUCKS. Print a bunch of these.

Supplemental Group
A whole buncrh of additional message buttons, including Re-Legalize Heroin, END ZONING, and WHAT WOULD DAVE DO?. Try to print enough of these.

Abolition Group
A bunch of buttons calling for the abolition of a bunch of things. Try to have one of each available at any major party event.

Color Group
LGBTQ flag/caucus logo, anarchist, and minarchist buttons.

Staff Only Group
A special sheet of buttons to only issue to caucus members: Ask Me a Question. We want to make sure anyone wearing one of these knows how to give radical libertarian answers.

25mm and 1 inch
Main Group
A sheet of most message buttons, with some of the ones believed to be more popular included more than once.

Abolition Group
A bunch of buttons calling for the abolition of a bunch of things. Try to have one of each available at any major party event.



Brochures with extracts of our 2019 platform for overall party outreach.

Taxation and Debt
Front/Outer (PDF, cut to letter size)
Front, back, and aside panels of our brochure with our planks on taxation, government debt, and subsidies.

Interior (PDF, cut to letter size)
Interior panels of our brochure with our planks on taxation, government debt, and subsidies.



Looking to make your own contribution to this collection or perhaps a custom flyer or banner for you state chapter? Here are some things to get you started.

Branding Sheet (pending)
A sheet with colors, typefaces, and logo and wordmark usage instructions.

Logo on Black (PDF)
Logo on Black (SVG)
Logo with a black background.

Logo for Black Backgrounds on Transparency (PDF)
Logo for Black Backgrounds on Transparency (SVG)
Logo for black or near-black backgrounds; transparent background.

Logo on White (PDF)
Logo on White (SVG)
Logo with a black background.

Logo for White Backgrounds on Transparency (PDF)
Logo for White Backgrounds on Transparency (SVG)
Logo for black or near-black backgrounds; transparent background.

Logo and Wordmark on Black (PDF)
Logo and Wordmark on Black (SVG)
Logo with a black background.

Logo and Wordmark for Black Backgrounds on Transparency (PDF)
Logo and Wordmark for Black Backgrounds on Transparency (SVG)
Logo for black or near-black backgrounds; transparent background.

Logo and Wordmark on White (PDF; pending)
Logo and Wordmark on White (SVG; pending)
Logo with a black background.

Logo and Wordmark for White Backgrounds on Transparency (PDF; pending)
Logo and Wordmark for White Backgrounds on Transparency (SVG; pending)
Logo for black or near-black backgrounds; transparent background.

Wordmark on Black (PDF)
Wordmark on Black (SVG)
Logo with a black background.

Wordmark for Black Backgrounds on Transparency (PDF)
Wordmark for Black Backgrounds on Transparency (SVG)
Logo for black or near-black backgrounds; transparent background.

Wordmark on White (PDF; pending)
Wordmark on White (SVG; pending)
Logo with a black background.

Wordmark for White Backgrounds on Transparency (PDF; pending)
Wordmark for White Backgrounds on Transparency (SVG; pending)
Logo for black or near-black backgrounds; transparent background.

Avant Garde Fonts
A set of fonts for the Avant Garde typeface (named TeX Gyre Adventor). This is our logo, wordmark, headline, and title typeface.

Suggested font-family for web use: "Tex Gyre Adventor", "Avant Gard", AvantGard, "Avant Garde", TeXGyreAdventorBold, TeXGyreAdventorRegular, "Spartan MB", "League Spartan", Spartan, Futura, Futura-Bold, "Futura Bold", "Century Gothic", CenturyGothic, "Apple Gothic", AppleGothic, "URW Gothic L", TwCen, "Twentieth Century", "Futura PT", "Heiti SC", "Heiti TC", "Didact Gothic", Questrial, Muli, Avenir, Sofia, "Gill Sans", GillSans, Kabel, OptiKabel, sans-serif;

Roboto 2014 Fonts
A set of fonts for the Roboto (2014) typeface. This is our body text and general use sans serif typeface. Please beware of the identically named Roboto (2012) from the same source, which is NOT the same typeface.

Suggested font-family for web use: Roboto, Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", "Nimbus Sans", Nimbus, "TeXGyre Heroes", "Free Sans", Freesans, "Franklin Gothic Medium", "Franklin Gothic", "ITC Franklin Gothic", "clear sans", Lato, "Fira Sans", "Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans", sans-serif

Roboto 2014 Monospaced Fonts

A set of fonts for the Alegreya typeface. This is our general use serif typeface and is used on our buttons.

Chopin Script
The lone free font for Chopin Script, which is at least similar as a typeface to Flaemische Kanzleischrift, Polonaise, and Englische Schreibschrift. This is our decorative script typeface.

Journal (Fontourist)
A set of fonts for the Journal typeface by Fontourist, not to be confused for other typefaces with the same name from other sources. This is our handwritten script and speech balloon typeface.