Chair: Susan Hogarth - 919-906-2106 - [email protected] - X: @susanhogarth
Vice Chair: Marc Montoni - 540-689-0754 (text preferred) - [email protected]
Treasurer: Susan Hogarth
Secretary: Jami Van Alstine - 734-308-0039 (text preferred) - [email protected] - X: @jrv4liberty
At-Large Board Members
- Mary Gingell T:
- Keith Thompson T:
State Coordinators
California: • Joe Dehn
T: (408) 774-1570
Colorado: • Marc Montoni
T: 540-689-0754 (text preferred)
Kansas: • Cullene Lang
T: (913) 594-4044
Kentucky: • Don Stacy
T: (606) 369-4246
Michigan: • Alex Avery
North Carolina: • Susan Hogarth
T: (919) 906-2106
Oklahoma: • Victoria Lawhorn
Washington: • Rob Stratton
T: (360) 483-9089
2023 LPRC Bylaws Committee:
- Mary Gingell (chair)
James Gholston
- Cullene Lang
- Anna Moshashvili
2023 LPRC Platform Committee:
- Joe Dehn (chair)
- Susan Hogarth
- Don Stacy
- Keith Thompson
Endorsements Committee:
- James Gholston
Morey Straus (chair)
Outreach Committee:
- (seeking volunteers)
Membership Committee:
- Cullene Lang
- (seeking volunteers)
Branding Committee:
- James Gholston (see At Large listing, above)
- (seeking volunteers)
Social media channels:
- Board Email: [email protected]
- Facebook - LPRC Brand Page (Sponsors: Marc Montoni & Susan Hogarth)
- Facebook - LPRC Members Only Discussion Group (membership required) (Sponsor: Marc Montoni)
- Facebook - LPRC General Discussion (membership not required) (Sponsor: Marc Montoni & Susan Hogarth)
- YouTube - (seeking volunteers)
- Instagram - LPRC General Instagram page
- Twitter - LPRC General Twitter page
- LinkedIn - LPRC LinkedIn
- Slack Channel - LPRC Slack (for volunteers and contributors (ask the Committee))
- Discord - LPRC Discord Channel (members & non-members welcome) - LPRC Discord
- MeWe - LPRC General Discussion (membership not required) (Sponsor: Marc Montoni)
- Minds - LPRC General Discussion (membership not required) (Sponsor: Marc Montoni)
- Gab - LPRC General Discussion (membership not required) (Sponsor: Marc Montoni)
- Parler - LPRC Brand Page (Sponsor: Marc Montoni)
You may contact the [email protected]