Our Mission

Welcome to the Libertarian Party Radical Caucus! We are a group of self-identified radicals working within the membership of the Libertarian Party (LP) who support the re-radicalization of the LP; and further to promote a clear, radical vision of libertarianism through education and electoral advocacy both within the LP and outside of it.  

We exist to celebrate and promote the Radical tradition of American Libertarian thought, to help Libertarians mature as critical thinkers when faced with doubts about the Radical Libertarian agenda, and to equip them for their efforts to reintroduce and promote radicalism within the Libertarian Party and among the general public. The LPRC endorses the Libertarian Party's Statement of Principles and the Non-Aggression Principle.

We seek a world set free in our lifetimes; no more, no less. Radical Libertarians seek a time of advancing liberty and retreating government; we seek a growing, successful Libertarian Party that is capable of winning the hearts and minds of millions of people over to liberty and justice.

The LPRC will not shy away from speaking from the "root" of libertarian thought. We believe it is futile to make Libertarian ideas "non-threatening" in order to placate the enemies of liberty. Our ideas are going to be scary to many who have considered neither their proven history nor their logical sense. Abolishing slavery was a scary thought to many in the 1800's; and the abolition of other unjust government policies now is no different. We will always seek to treat individuals as intelligent (if perhaps stubborn), competent individuals, and thus we will not fear presenting them with the "scary" libertarian ideas we have available. They must decide for themselves. Some may take years to adopt them; many will never adopt them -- but their children might.

Only by treating individuals as intelligent adults will libertarianism ever succeed over the long term. While the LPRC commits to speaking for a bold, consistent, and radical libertarian agenda, we make an effort to see moderate Libertarians as our allies, not enemies. We will NOT waste time and energy and goodwill attacking them. We will fight beside them for as far as they are willing to go and be glad for the help.


  • Caucus Notices

    2025 Monthly Membership Meetings

    All members of the LPRC are encouraged to attend. Details below. 

    LP Radical Caucus is inviting you to a regularly scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: 2025 LPRC Board Meetings
    Time: This is a recurring meeting.  Occurs the third Sunday of every month at 11:00 AM Eastern Time/8:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

    • January 19th
    • February 16th
    • March 16th
    • April 20th
    • May 18th
    • June 15th
    • July 20th
    • August 17th
    • September 21st
    • October 19th
    • November 16th
    • December 21st


    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 852 0264 6872

    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kmlXzm2u6

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  • From the blog

    Honoring David Nolan: A Radical Force for Liberty

    This month, we will take a moment to honor the radical legacy of David Fraser Nolan (November 23, 1943 – November 21, 2010)a founding member of the Libertarian Party whose influence continues to resonate today. He also introduced the now-famous Nolan Chart, a tool designed to demonstrate the complexity of political ideology beyond the standard left-right spectrum and has become a defining feature of libertarian thought. His vision was radical for its time, and his approach challenged the status quo. "

    David at the 2008 LP Convention in Denver, Colorado

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    2024 Predidential Candidate Ratings

    The Libertarian Party Radical Caucus is pleased to present our first round of ratings for declared presidential hopefuls.  All candidates were (and still are) invited to complete our survey, which was combined with additional research by members of the endorsements committee to generate scoring.

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