by Marc Montoni
Why would anyone want to be an LPRC State Coordinator?
Well, let's put it this way: Are you satisfied with always being outnumbered at the convention, by people who want to put a muzzle on you? Are you satisfied with atrocious candidates who run as "Libertarians" but who couldn't name an actual LIBERTARIAN position to save their life? Are you satisfied with atrocious candidates who run as "Libertarians" but who fraudulently promote things like sales taxes, chasing foreign warlords, and doing violence to the right of free association as supposedly "libertarian" positions?
Well, those things are going to continue -- unless we Radicals change our numbers drastically.
Being an LPRC State Coordinator is not intended to be just a nice title with no expectations or responsibility. It's not a reward for calling oneself a "Radical Libertarian".
It's a WORK position, intended to change our numbers.
As outlined in our bylaws [Section 6(c)], State Coordinators are responsible for:
- promoting radical libertarianism and a radical vision for the Libertarian Party;
- recruiting additional members to the LPRC;
- recommending the formal endorsement by the LPRC Board of suitable candidates (for internal LP positions as well as for public office) in their state.
Being appointed as a state coordinator for the Radical Caucus is not just a path to get a vote on Board matters.
It means work.
It means you are expected to recruit more members to the caucus each year and every year. It means you are expected to help us find the GOOD candidates for office. It means you are expected to guide the increase in Radical participation in your state party.
In short, it means you are expected to be one of 50 or more catalysts to re-radicalize the Libertarian Party.
You will be given a copy of LPRC members and prospective members in your state. Every one of those people in your state needs to be contacted on a monthly basis, preferably via some form of personal contact, such as a letter bearing a hand-written signature, or a phone call.
Personal contact does not need to be complicated:
"Hi Joe, this is Jim Bob with the Pennsylvania Radical Caucus. Were you planning to attend the LPPA state committee meeting this Saturday?
"In case you're interested, they have a position on the LPPA Platform Committee they will be filling, and I'd love to see a radical apply for it. By the way, I see that you're only one step away from being a full voting member in the LPRC. Would you like to make your support official by donating today?"
If your state caucus has a FB page, monthly send out a general "become a voting member" invitation, and directly message new likes asking them to join.
A state coordinator should also send out via email a monthly newsletter. These can be done via plaintext email or fancier:0
LPRC Arizona email Newsletter (PDF)
LPRCColorado email Newsletter (via Mailchimp)
Don't set up a "discussion group". They are generally time sinks, and besides that there already is one - the LP Radical Caucus Facebook group. Keep your state page more to radical business within your state. We need action much more than discussion!
Members of the Radical Caucus should be working to set the tone for their state party in terms of messaging. The LP has been largely overrun by Libertarian Lite advocates who think we must never talk about private roads, private police, and abolishing the income tax. The reason that messaging has infested the LP is because THAT'S WHO SHOWS UP.
Your job as a state coordinator for the LPRC is to get radical libertarians to show up in greater numbers at state & local LP events. The ONLY way to make that happen is for YOU to talk to them -- and on a regular basis.
Qualifications to be a state coordinator:
1 - Be a current, dues-paid national LP member.
2 - Be a current, dues-paid state LP member.
3 - Donate $100 or more of at least $10/month in dues to the LPRC (see